English language arts

Charlotte's Web 4 Week Lesson Plan - £2.00
A brief 4 week lesson plan to teach Charlotte’s Web.
Each lesson is briefly mapped out and you can add your filler activities.
Suitable for ages 7-10 years old.
Attached doc is ready to be downloaded

Varjak Paw 3 Week Lesson Plan - £2.00
Each lesson is briefly mapped out and will need your filler activities added.
Suitable for ages 7-11 years old.
Specific chapters and pages are named in the 3 week plan to add structure and guidance to save your time.
Attached doc ready to be downloaded.

Iron Man Lesson Plans 2 Weeks £2.00
The Iron Man lesson plan last for 2 weeks.
Each lesson is briefly mapped out and requires your filler activities. Includes exact details of chapters, language analysis and themes for you to add to as well.
Suitable for ages 7-11 years old.

Brief Outline of Lesson Plan - Charlotte's Web, Fantastic Mr Fox, Iron Man, Varjak Paw
Primary school age from 7-10 years old.

Fantastic Mr Fox 3 Week Outline Plan - £2.00
3 week very brief outline plan, reading to be made into a lesson plan.
Each lesson lasts 1 hour including discussion time
Students should have read the book in advance ideally
Suitable for ages 8-11 for general discussion. You will need to add your own filler activites.
Includes details of chapters, language analysis and themes.
Attached doc shows an example of 1 week of the lesson plan.